Let’s begin with Christopher Columbus, as we usually do. When sailing around and “discovering” the Caribbean Islands in the new world, he was given the chile plant by natives as a gift. The European community discovered them when a sampling was taken back to Spain. They became a spicy replacement for peppercorns when dried. This was a good thing because peppercorns were extremely expensive at the time — even used as currency in some places. Alas, though, the plant was generally ignored for the next 300 years, but the fact that the chiles were indigenous to the New World would never be forgotten, especially when Hatch green chiles are in season!

When Santé Fe, New Mexico was founded by the New Spanish Conquistador Don Juan de Onate in the late 1590’s, he brought chiles to the U.S. from his native country of Mexico. Later in 1907, Dr. Fabian Garcia, a horticulturist at New Mexico State University, began tests on three varieties of the pepper. Many hybrids were “crossed” in an effort to find a sturdy and hearty pepper. After many failures, a pepper called the “College #9” became the clear leader. They were grown with irrigation water from the nearby Rio Grande River. Farmers from Hatch, New Mexico adopted this chile, and eventually these wonderful chiles took the name of their region and became known as Hatch Chiles. The rest is history!

Hatch Chile 101: Why Hatch Chiles Are Like a Fine Wine

Hatch, New Mexico, a short 370 miles from Scottsdale, Arizona, has become synonymous with its highly sought-after Hatch Chiles. When are Hatch green chiles in season? Every year, in late summer, these amazing chiles are harvested after a long season of very hot days and cool evenings. Like fine wines that are influenced by their terroir, these chiles owe their unique flavor to the very specific soil conditions and climate of the region, known as the “Big Jim” variety.

Chefs from across the country wait all year for the announcement from New Mexico that the annual harvest is in. The sad news is that they are only fresh and available for roughly 4-6 weeks every season from the middle of August to the end of September, depending on Mother Nature. So, you need get them while they are HOT (pun intended).

At Jalapeño Inferno, we hold Hatch in high esteem—a sentiment rooted in owner Terry’s early culinary experiences in New Mexico. The debate over which region produces the best chiles—be it Pueblo, California, or Arizona—often gets intense. However, we favor the nuanced flavors that are unmistakably tied to the soils around Hatch. Major controversy exists regionally between the Pueblo Colorado chili (misspelling intended), California, and Arizona versions. All claim theirs is the best. We subscribe to the “terroir” concept from our training and experience in the fine wine world. A layman would say the meaning of the French term is that the chiles (and grapes) taste like where they were grown. It is our belief that Hatch Chiles taste unique to the soil around Hatch and that all others, however very tasty, are simply not as flavorful. We do not want to engage in a debate regarding Pueblo vs. Hatch—sorry!

When Are Hatch Green Chiles in Season?

This is critical for enthusiasts and chefs who eagerly anticipate their arrival. During their brief season, our local Phoenix stores are stocked, and selecting the best chiles involves looking for bright green color, symmetry, smooth skin, and firmness—signs of a pepper full of potential. We offer a couple of pointers when choosing your own chiles. Many of the local Phoenix larger chain grocery stores feature them every season First; look for a bright, green color – the brighter the better. Second, check the shape as well, the perfect pepper is symmetrical. Pick one up, the skin should be smooth, and upon squeezing, should be firm. It should feel fairly heavy in the hand for its size, ready to burst with flavor. Too much work? Sit back and let us do all the work – and order another Margarita!

For 22 years now, we’ve partnered with our friends at Grand Avenue Produce to bring these chiles to our kitchen for our special annual Hatch Chile menu, selecting the spiciest batch each harvest. We ask them to source the XX HOT ones—usually determined by the pickers in the field. And every year at Jalapeño Inferno, these precious chiles run out extremely fast.

When Hatch green chiles are in season and the season progresses, their flavor intensifies, making our dishes like pico de gallo salsa and green enchilada sauce even more spectacular. We will receive multiple deliveries throughout the short season; they are usually a little hotter as the weeks go by. We steam and roast them ensuring the skin is taken completely off. Many options present themselves for use. A fresh pico de gallo salsa is dramatically transformed by the addition of the chiles. A typical green enchilada sauce, a chile relleno (a New Mexico menu staple), an enchilada will take on a whole new dimension with them added. Jalapeno Inferno has even infused premium tequila for days with the Hatch chiles, which not only impart a slow burn heat, it provides a wonderful flavor profile. You will know when you try the Blackberry Chile Margarita! This flavor fusion is not to be missed and underscores when Hatch green chiles are in season, highlighting the best time to enjoy these flavors.

We get asked often about growing your own chiles here in the Arizona terroir. We have not experimented with that, but we do know the seeds can be purchased at sandiaseed.com. Alternatives throughout the year in the off season can be found. There are a variety of canned and frozen chiles and salsa on your supermarket aisle. We have found that they just do not compare to the fresh seasonal ones. We have sourced a flash frozen from fresh product from a company in Albuquerque that we utilize on our menu throughout the year—a somewhat reasonable substitution.

Taste This Year’s Delicious 22nd Annual Hatch Chile Harvest Menu!

This years’ menu is hot off the press and has been implemented at both Jalapeño Inferno locations. The 2024 menu features a combination of crowd favorites and a few new items. Available until somewhere around the end of September when Hatch green chiles are in season end. If you can, flag me down, I may even share a recipe or two with you!

Check out this year’s delicious 22nd Annual Hatch Chile Harvest menu below!

When are Hatch Green Chiles in Season